The Caster Chronicles Wiki
  • Resurrection Cast - A Cast that can resurrect the dead. This Cast has consequences.
    • Incantation - "Cruor pectoris mei, tutela tua est. Vita vitae meae, corripiens tuam, corripiens meam. Corpus corporis mei, medulla mensque, anima animae meae, animam nostram conecte. Cruor pectoris mei, luna mea, aestus meus. Cruor pectoris mei. Fatum meum, Mea Salus. Blood of my heart, Protection is thine. Life of my life, taking yours, taking mine. Body of my body, Marrow and mind, Soul of my soul, to our spirit bind. Blood of my heart, my tides, my moon. Blood of my heart. My salvation, my doom."
  • Locator Cast - A Cast to locate something a Caster is looking for.
    • Incantation - "Ut invenias quod abest. Expedi nodum, torque et convolve. Elice hoc vinculum, Ut inveniam, Quod desidero, Quod peto. To Find What is Missing; Unravel the tie, twist, and wind; Cast this Bind So I may find That which I yearn for This which I seek."
  • Verbum Celatum Cast (Hidden Word) - A Cast that shifts words out of Mortal reality and unless the Caster shows it to someone, only a Caster can read it.
  • Silentium Cast - A Cast to make someone silent and unable to talk. When a person tries to tell someone something, all they will hear is silence.
  • Daemonis Pactum Cast (Demon's Trade) - A Cast that makes a bargain and the caster has to sacrifice something in return.
    • Incantation - "Exscinde, neca, odium incende; mors portam patefacit . Destroy, kill, hate; death opens the gate."
  • Cast to Imprison an Incubus - A Cast to imprison an Incubus in an Arclight.
    • Incantation - "Comprehende, Liga, Cruci Fige. Capture Cage, and Crucify."
  • Dark Fire Power Stripping Cast - A Cast to permanently strip a Caster of their powers and return them to the Dark Fire.
  • Freedom in Light Cast - A Cast to free an Incubus trapped in an Arclight.
    • Incantation - "In Luce Caecae Caligines sunt, Et in Caliginibus, Lux. In Arcu imperium est, Et in imperio, Nox. In Illo qui Vinctus est, Libertas Patefacietur. Spirate denuo, Caligines. E Luce exi. In the One who is Bound. Freedom will be Found. Live again, Darkness, Come out of the Light."
  • Claiming Moon Cast - A Cast that can call a Claiming Moon out of time. The Caster has to channel the Dark Fire's energy as well as their own into the moon.
  • Trance Cast - A Cast to put a person into a trance.
  • Furor Cast - A Cast that makes people uncontrollably angry.
  • Occultatio Cast - A Concealment Cast to conceal something like a person or an object.
  • Obex Cast - A Cast to lock a door; it is a very difficult Cast.
  • Obex Reversal Cast - A Cast to reverse the Obex Cast. When the Cast has been cast, the door blows open with such force it goes flying off its hinges and into the room.
  • Vexes Summoning Cast - A Cast to summon Vexes. The swirling air darkens and begins to take shape. The hazy black forms then jerk out of the spiral, as if they were climbing out the vortex and hurling themselves over the edge, into the world. Vexes then erupt from the wind and curled into dark forms. They then keep growing until it seemed like they would suck all the air from the area.
    • Incantation - "The Order is Broken. The Door is Open. Arise, Ascend, Destroy. Ratio Fracta est! Ianua Aperta est! Sugite, Ascendite, Exscindite! Ratio Fracta est! Ianua Aperta est! Sugite, Ascendite, Exscindite!
  • Demon Queen Cast - A Cast to summon the Lilum.
    • Incantation - "From blood, ash and sorrow. For the demons imprisoned below I call their Creator to avenge them. And to serve."
  • Demon Cast - A Cast to summon Vexes.
    • Incantation - "Saguine effuso, atris diebus, orietur daemonum legio interfectos ulciscatur. Si ianua notata inveniri non potuerit, tellus hiscat ut de terra ipsa ianuam offerat. On darkest days, when blood is spilled, A legion of demons, to avenge those killed. If a marked door cannot be found, The earth will open, to offer one from the ground."
  • Unnamed Cast
    • Incantation - "From the voices in the Darkness, I come. From the wounds of the fallen, I am born. From the despair I brought forth, I am claimed. From the heart of the book, I hear the call. When I seek its vengeance, it is answered."
  • Ad Auxilium Concitatio Cast - An ancient Homing Cast, like a Caster SOS, but only a Cypher can detect one.
  • Angelus' Cast - A Cast to turn a person's fingers into snakes.
  • Angelus' Monster Cast - A Cast to turn a person into a monster. The person's skin sears and blackens. The charcoal color spreads like a rash, the skin tightening as it turned impossibly smooth. It's very painful and the person screams and claws at their skin. The person's hair then falls out in tufts.
  • Umbra Cast - A Cast that works for a Sheer that sends a shadow from one world to the next.
  • Veritas Cast - A Cast that works for a Sheer that should allow the truth to appear as long as the Sheer/person is looking for the truth.
  • Discordia Cast
  • Reveal Cast - A Cast to reveal something to the Caster.
  • Lena's Oblivio Cast - A Cast to make someone believe that a certain person isn't gone and believes something else. A bubble expands insides the Caster's chest the moment the Cast is formed, pushing past them toward the target, reaching right across the area and wrapping itself around them. The area seemed to stretch and contract and then the air snaps around them.
    • Incantation - "Oblivio, Oblivio, Non Abest. Oblivion, Oblivion, He Is Not Gone."
  • Resonantia Cast - A Cast placed on an instrument to make it magically play. The Cast wears off eventually.
  • Transporting Cast - A Cast to make the Caster transport themselves wherever they wish to go. The Caster begins to twist into nothingness and the world gives way between them.
    • Incantation - “Aurae Aspirent Ubi tueor, ibi adeo. Let the wind blow Where I see I go.
  • Power Stripping Cast - A Cast that temporarily strips away a Caster's powers.
  • Binding Casts - Casts that binds a person to a place, protects a place and keeps people who would do harm out.
  • Lena's Binding Cast - A Binding Cast to keep everyone Bound together and make sure they don't forget about each other. The Cast created six Binding Rings, tiny rings with blue stones that looks like delicately blown glass from a distance and changes colors like an old Caster mood ring. The rings can lead the wearer to the one they're looking for as long as they're wearing a Binding Ring too.
    • Incantation - "There is a time beyond mountains and men; When our six-faced moon must rise. If you call for me, I will come to you then, And our six-headed horse will ride. Though Sixteen Moons began our thread, And Nineteen Moons must end us, Let us always be Bound by the Southern Star, And when in grave danger - Send us.
  • Manifesto Cast
  • Occultus Vox Cast - A basic Cast that can illusion away a whole building. It's Illusionist kid stuff.
  • Vindicabo Casts - Vengeance Casts and the Casting equivalent of a Vex: it shows no mercy, takes no prisoners and leaves a vast trail of destruction in its wake.
  • Rip Letter Cast - A Cast to make Rip Letters. The person has to go anywhere in the Caster Tunnels while holding the Rip Letter and they Travel to the location. It is not an easy Cast and more of a status thing.
  • Oblivio Cast - A Cast that wipes the memories of another person.
  • Charmed Knife Cast - A Cast that can Charm a knife to be able to subdue out-of-control spirits from the Otherworld. This Cast is also able to slowly kill someone.
  • Charmed Knife Stripping Cast - A Cast to strip the Charm from a Charmed knife. Only the Caster that cast the Charm can remove it.
  • Incendio Cast - A very powerful Cast to temporarily borrow the fire powers of a Cataclyst and set a place on fire. The Caster has to light the object on fire and the Cast will go up in smoke as well as the place.
  • Cloaking Casts - Casts that relate to the location itself and a Caster can't cloak a place a person has been to before.
  • Doorwell Cast
    • Incantation - "Aperire domum tenebrarum."
  • Evo Power Borrowing Cast - A Cast to temporarily borrow the Morphing power of an Evo.
    • Incantation - "Quid opus est me. Make me who I want to be."`